Logicked Email List Privacy Policy

What Information We Collect

We collect only your email address and, if applicable, your unsubscribe preference. No other personal information, such as your name or non-email contact information, is collected.

How We Collect Information

We collect information only through our website, when you choose to submit an email address through the web form.

How We Use Information

We use your information only to send you email notifications about videos made by Logicked Media, or important updates about Logicked Media. All information is stored on a mass email service called Mailgun, which is used to send the emails. Which email service is used is subject to change, so this information may be transferred to a new service if Logicked Media switches services. All information is kept private, accessible only by Logicked Media and the mass email service, and will never be given away, sold, or otherwise made accessible to anyone else.

Email Choices

You can opt out of all emails by utilizing the "unsubscribe" link in the emails you receive from us. You may also directly request to opt out of all emails by contacting us directly at logicked@gmail.com or through the Logicked Discord server.